When all you hear is:

"This time it's different."
"I know a bubble when I see one and this is no bubble."
"Bad news is good news."
"TPTB have your back."
"What Black Swan?"
"It always ends well and if it feels like the end, that's not the end."

it's time to visit a ghost town.


From 1877 to the mid 1880s one of the largest boomtowns in California, if not the West.

Between 7,000-10,000 people lived in some 2000 houses.

Home of a Wells Fargo Bank.

Workers were organized in miners and mechanics unions, the latter with its own cemetery.

Four volunteer fire fighter companies.

It had its own Chinatown with a Taoist temple and Opium dens.

Its entertainment center hosted dances, concerts, and plays.

Its future was to be grand...

Source: Wikipedia

Five quotes that came to mind in Bodie:

"I can't compete and when I do, the rules of engagement change in the middle of the game.
I'll let the powers that be vanquish themselves and return in three to five years to sift through the remains."
Ayn Rand

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."
Albert Einstein

"I don't want to push my chips forward and go out and meet something I don't understand. A man would have to put his soul at hazard. He'd have to say, "O.K., I'll be part of this world."
Ed Tom Bell in No Country for Old Men

But also:

"Don't postpone sex until old age."
Warren Buffet speaking at Caltech

"Das letzte Hemd hat keine Taschen." (The last shirt has no pockets)
My grandmother Sophie


All Photos Copyright 2012 by Andreas Kossak

Visit Bodie, CA

Thank to the California Department of Parks and Recreation for doing such a great job in Bodie at "arresting the decay."

And for those who are too small to fail:

On how the stock market works against you by Charles Hugh Smith.